July 30, 2008

No dining in the sky for me

I have a fear of heights. A pretty bad one, in fact, to the point that sometimes if I'm walking up a set of open stairs (meaning you can see between the slats), I feel nauseated. Scott and I once stopped by this bookstore while we were in Stowe, VT and it was so cute. I went to investigate the upstairs and noticed that it was (a) an open spiral staircase and (b) the upstairs itself looked like it wasn't supported by too much. I somehow got up there but didn't stay upstairs too long at all.

So, with that in mind, the thought of this just makes me want to throw up. The concept is called "Dinner in the Sky" and basically 22 people are strapped into leather seats secured to a table and then hoisted 12 stories up by a crane to enjoy their meal 180 feet in the air.

I found out about this through an article that was in the Boston Herald today. The people in the pictures look quite happy and like they don't have a care in the world. Clearly none of them have a strong fear of heights, or else they're somehow glossing over the person who's green and whimpering silently (or not so silently) in their chair with their feet dangling into space.

I'm sure if you don't have a fear of heights (and have $30K to throw around -- the starting group price), this would be all sorts of interesting. For me, I'll remain firmly on the ground.

July 27, 2008

Dusting this off...

Since I'm going to be blogging at work, I think it's time to dust off this old blog that's been inactive since 2006. Plus, this gives me a place to jot down my thoughts and it was pretty interesting to read my posts from 2005 and 2006. LOL

No need at all to re-hash the past 2 years since my last blog post. Let's just go forward.

This weekend, we went down to the Cape to Scott's parents' house and went out on their boat. LD ("Little Dude" for those who are new to the blog) had such a good time. He thought it was hilarious when the speed boat revved up and we hit choppy waves. Luckily, I had a blast as well -- which is pretty huge, since I've known Scott for 13 years and have only been out on the boat twice in that time frame -- last year and this year. I had a bout with motion sickness while on a whale watch during college, so I've always thought that being on their boat would make me sick and just wouldn't go each time. Wimpy wimpy wimpy.

But, last year, LD really wanted to go out on the boat with his cousins and I didn't want to stay behind while he was out on the water. So, I went... and I had a blast. Insert the image of me kicking myself all over creation here for wasting years when I could have been enjoying the boat.

<-- This isn't Scott's parents' boat, but it says "Great Scott" on it, so of course I had to grab a picture while we were out on the boat yesterday.

This year, Scott's parents bought a smaller boat (rising costs of gas and all that), but it was just as fun as last year. We were out on the water for close to three hours and just had such a good time. LD even said he wants a boat of his own. Sure, I'll get right on that. ;) I asked him if he wanted a baby brother or sister (adding a disclaimer -- no baby brother or sister in the near or not so near future! A baby cousin is fine for now.) or a boat. He thought about it for a moment and said "a boat"! Hah